Good morning everyone!  Almost there.  We will use the next two days of instruction to complete any outstanding assignments.  I will accept any and all assignments until 3 pm tomorrow and do a final post of your grade on Wednesday May 20.

Grading policy:  You will receive the highest grade earned over the course.  Completing more assignments raises the overall grade.

If you need a copy of an assignment, please submit your request and be patient as I am also still receiving work assignments to be graded.

May 14th, 1st and 2nd period

Good morning everyone!  Hope all are well.  Today we will look at the barriers to economic development and rank.  Please submit all outstanding assignments by Friday May 15th.  For any student who needs a makeup assignment, please forward the request immediately in an email.  That would include current issues and geography.  Monday will be the last day that I can take those assignments.

1.  Review the powerpoint and take notes as needed.  Agenda May 14

2.  Create you own word document and submit answers to questions on last slide by May 15th

May 13th Assignment, 1st and 2nd period

Good morning everyone!  Today we will continue our study of economic geography with a look at social indicators of development.  We will learn what the social indicators of development are and how they reflect development.  We will also look at the UN Sustainable Development Goals and decide which is best for the country that you have chosen to research.

1.  Download the powerpoint, review, and follow the given link to the UN Sustainable Development Goals website.  Agenda May 13

2.  Complete your country research activity (FINISH BY ADDING THE QUESTIONS IN THE POWERPOINT TODAY) and submit by Thursday May 14th, 3PM.

May 12th Assignment 1st and 2nd period

Good morning everyone!  Hope all are well.  Today we will continue with our Economic Geography unit by looking at different economic sectors and what they tell us about development within a country.  To demonstrate what you have learned, you will use the CIA World Factbook to gather information about a country of your choice and determine if it is a more developed or less developed country.  Your assignment is due on Thursday May 14.

1.  Review the power point.  Agenda May 12

2.  Country Assignment  due May 14.  Country Research Assignment

3.  Link to the CIA World Factbook.


May 11th Assignment 1st and 2nd period

Good morning everyone!  Hope all are well.  Today we will begin our unit on Economic Geography.  In this unit we will be focused on explaining the pattern of development accross the globe.  We will identify factors of development, explain why some countries are more developed than others, and identify measures to increase development for some countries.

1.  Review power point.  Agenda May 11

2.  Note important vocabulary in a word document and submit by Tuesday May 12

a.  Development

b.  More developed country

c.  Less developed country

d.  GDP

e.  Per capita GDP

May 7th Assignment, 1st and 2nd period

Good morning everyone.  Hope all are well.  Today, you will continue to work on your Unit 4 assessment and submit by end of day.  If you have already finished the assessment, please complete any outstanding work for either Geography or Current Issues to continue to raise your grades.  If you need any assistance, please reach out with an email to include requesting a virtual tutoring session which I will be happy to set up for you.

May 6th Assignment, 1st and 2nd period

Good morning all!  Hope all are well.  Today we will finish up Unit 4 on population geography with a multiple choice assessment.  Please download the pdf copy of your exam, create a word document, and submit your answers by 3PM today (only 15 questions).  You may use any resources including a parterner to complete the assessment.  Please let me know if you have any questions!

1.  PDF Assessment:  Agenda May 6

May 5th Assignment 1st and 2nd period

Good morning everyone!  Hope all are well.  Today we will be looking at migration patterns to include the why of migration, types of migration, and the impacts of migration.  You will review a power point and video clip to learn about migration and answer questions about migration.  The assignment is due Wednesday May 6.  USE THE WORD DOCUMENT and respond to the questions as your review the power point and video.

1.  Migration power point and video link.  Agenda May 5

2.  Migration patterns assignment DUE WEDNESDAY MAY 6.  Migration Patterns Worksheet


Agenda May 4th 1st and 2nd period

Good morning everyone!  Today you will begin looking at the demographic transition model which is another way to look at population in terms of comparing population growth with economic development.  You will review a power point take notes as needed and post your response to 6 questions on the padlet (questions are on the last slide).  If you have trouble I will be available to help!

1.  Review the power point on the demographic transition model.  Agenda May 4

2.  Link to the padlet

3.  Reminder:  Population Pyramid reading assignment due Tuesday May 5.